Penelope, my official “Office Manager,” knows how to handle stress. Even on a Monday

Mondays mean something different to me now than they did when I worked in #CorporateAmerica. They are filled with the opportunity of responsibility, rather than the stress of it.

Mondays today mean a fresh start, new energy, and new opportunity. Back then? Not so positive…

Today I am responsible for my successes and failures in a way that I never felt when working for someone else. I know that other people’s lives depend on me, and I owe it to them to do my best to build and sustain a strong company. My mistakes, and the mistakes of my team, have significant consequences.

So what was different when I was an employee? Why did I, like many people, dread Mondays, when today the stakes are higher?

I have always held a deep respect for the company that signed my paycheck. I always gave my best effort and led my teams to do the same. But if I am honest, sometimes I worked so hard through the week, that I wondered each Monday if I could do it again. If I could succeed enough. Or if one misstep would mean the end to my job.

Even when I was committed to a job and a company, the stress of Mondays was all about me.

I was listening to The 30 Minute Hour Podcast this morning with Eric Twiggs and Ted Fells. Their episode was titled “Thank God It’s Monday.”

It’s a quick 6-minute listen that will inspire you. As I listened to it, I thought about how the simple act of accepting failure as a part of success takes the negative connotations of “failure” out of the equation. You can find it here:

It also makes me wonder what I would take back to #CorporateLife if I went back again. Would I repeat the stresses of the past, or would I recognize the joy in working as if you own the place? Would I choose #resiliance and #opportunity instead?

As I watch my Office Manager take her numerous lunch, stretch, snack and nap breaks, I admit to being a bit jealous. She certainly knows how to find balance in her workday. I tried to ask her opinion of the matter. Her picture gives her response more clearly than I ever could.



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